3 Signs You Need a Change of Pace
We all have good and bad days at work. When we lose a sense of meaning from our work, that’s the worst day of all. Here are a few signs that you many need a change.
1. A case of the midday blues
We’ve all been there. That murky place after lunch and before the end of shift. You’re just counting the seconds until you grab your stuff and go home. If this is a regular occurrence, that’s one huge indicator that something may be wrong. A poor mental and emotional space impacts the quality of your work.
2. A case of the ZZZs
Drowsiness can be caused by several factors. The most common are eye fatigue, mental strain, physical exhaustion, and disinterest. There are steps we can take to alleviate all of these symptoms, except for disinterest. Eye fatigue can be fixed with proper eyewear or adjusting the brightness of your screen. Mental strain can be reduced by taking a moment to regroup. Physical exhaustion can be cured with more sleep or other relevant adjustments to how you do things. Disinterest comes from a lack of finding meaning in your work. It’s become boring, repetitive, or just pointless to you. Unless you can find a way to rekindle that those feelings with the current job, other things won’t fix it.
3. A case of the whys
Why do I work here? Why am I doing this? Why did I come in today? These why questions and many others are a huge red flag. We start questioning the value of our work because we have lost a sense of purpose. Your role in your company matters and plays an important part in its functioning. When you feel that your role in the company doesn’t matter, you’re more likely to start the tailspin. Poor performance, poor attitude, poor attendance. It’s best to avoid the tailspin, since it does damage not only to the people you serve but also your professional reputation.
So what can you do?
We all need meaning from our work. If your current job isn’t delivering, it’s time for a change. Consider a company change or a career change, depending on your level of unhappiness. At Health Source Group, we pride ourselves on matching qualified healthcare professionals with meaningful work. We don’t believe in working a job just for the paycheck. It has to be for something more. Join us in doing meaningful, interesting, fulfilling work.